Horizon 2!
<font color="#e4c571">English version below.</font>

[Image: h2_done.png]

Cześć! <font color="#e4c571">Horizon 2</font> coraz bliżej! Już niedługo będziecie mieli okazję sprawdzić wszystko osobiście. Pierwsze betatesty odbędą się w <font color="#e4c571">sobotę 5 listopada od 12:00 CET</font>.

Szczegóły na naszej stronie: https://l2sanctuary.pl/beta

<font color="#e4c571">English version:</font>

[Image: h2_done.png]

Hi! <font color="#e4c571">Horizon 2</font> is getting closer! Soon you will have the opportunity to check everything in person. The first betatests will take place on <font color="#e4c571">Saturday, November 5 from 12:00 CET</font>.

Details on our website: https://l2sanctuary.pl/beta

Messages In This Thread
Horizon 2! - by Sayha - 14-06-2022, 19:40
RE: Horizon 2! - by Sayha - 04-10-2022, 20:44
RE: Horizon 2! - by Arvea - 06-10-2022, 22:48
RE: Horizon 2! - by Sayha - 11-10-2022, 21:34
RE: Horizon 2! - by Sayha - 14-10-2022, 20:23
RE: Horizon 2! - by Sayha - 18-10-2022, 19:18
RE: Horizon 2! - by Sayha - 21-10-2022, 20:04
RE: Horizon 2! - by Sayha - 25-10-2022, 19:49
RE: Horizon 2! - by Sayha - 28-10-2022, 20:29
RE: Horizon 2! - by Sayha - 01-11-2022, 12:26
RE: Horizon 2! - by Sayha - 12-11-2022, 13:24

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